Thursday, April 28, 2011

Getting Off Work Early = Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies

Woo hoo! It's no longer tax season...which means that I have SO little to do at work. I left at 2 today and came over to John's to A) marvel at his new attire he got from Jos. A. Bank (they were having some amazing 1 get 500 free or something like that....also, now when I see him I'm going to have a hard time not saying "Suit up!" a la How I Met Your Mother) and B) make cookies!



I just finished making some Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies for John's nice neighbor who fixed my car! Note: make sure that we always live next to a mechanic. Here's the recipe! I would include a picture of the finished product, but the picture made the cookies look like river rocks (HINT! Someone buy me an awesome camera so I can take beautiful pictures of my cooking like The Pioneer Woman!)

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